- A Song of Hope
- All Shall Be Well
- All as a River of Light
- Amen
- Answer, When I Call
- At Home in the Lord
- Awake, Arise
- Be Present, Spirit of the Lord
- Before the Ages
- Bless Our God
- Blessing Cup
- Come Weal, Come Woe
- Come to the Water
- Come to the Water/I Will Run to You
- Consider the Lilies
- Deliver Us, O God of Israel
- Dwelling Place
- Earthen Vessels
- Earthen Vessels
- Father, May They All Be One
- Flowers Still Grow There
- For You Are My God
- Glory to God
- God Among Us
- God’s Poor Ones
- He Comes
- Heart of the World
- Heed My Call for Help
- Holy
- How Good It Is to Give Thanks To God
- I Rejoiced
- I Will Sing of the Lord
- If God Is for Us
- Jesus' Commissioning
- Just Begun
- Keep Me Safe, O God
- Let All Who Fear the Lord
- Like Winter Waiting
- Like a Child
- Look Toward Me
- Lord, By Your Cross and Resurrection
- Magnificat
- May We Praise You
- Memorial Acclamation A
- Mighty Lord
- Never Shall a Soul
- Now My Heart
- O Mary, Tell Us
- O Silence Sonorous with Word
- One Bread, One Body
- One Bread, One Body
- Only in God
- Our Help Is from the Lord
- Patience, People
- Peace Prayer
- Praise God
- Praise the Lord, My Soul
- Prepare the Way
- Redeemer Lord
- Rescue Me from My Enemies
- Rise Up, Jerusalem
- Running Streams
- Savior of All of Us
- Shepherd Kind and Holy
- Sing To The Lord A New Song
- Sing to the Lord
- Son of David
- Spirit of God
- Stars
- Take, Lord, Receive
- Take, Lord, Receive
- Teach Us to Pray
- The Beatitudes
- The Beautiful Mother
- The Christ of God
- The Cry of the Poor
- The Hunger
- The Lord Is Come
- The Lord Is Here
- The Lord Is My Light
- The Lord Is My Shepherd
- The Promise of the Lord
- The Servant of God
- The Sparrow Finds a Home
- The Steadfast Love
- The Year of the Lord
- This Is My Body
- This Is the Day
- To His Angels
- To Thee Be Glory Forever
- Toward Jerusalem
- Treasures of the Heart
- Turn to Me
- Turn to Me
- When Our Eyes Open, Lord
- Who Are We, O Lord
- Who Has Known
- Who Is This Woman
- Why, O Lord
- Winter, Cold Night
- With the Lord
- Wood Hath Hope
- Your Works, O God
Jesuit Father John Foley is a liturgical and classical composer, theologian, liturgist and writer. He has a gift for taking timeless truths, drawn from Scripture, re-crafting them into poetry and setting them to timeless melodies. For more than 40 years, this gift has given voice to the prayer and worship of Christian communities around the world. Father Foley has a doctorate in liturgical theology from the Graduate Theological Union in Berkeley, California, as well as master’s degrees in philosophy and fundamental theology.
Some of his most familiar hymns are included in liturgical collections of the St. Louis Jesuits such as A Dwelling Place, Let Heaven Rejoice and Morning Light. In 2015, OCP released the 40th anniversary edition of Earthen Vessels, the group's best-selling second album. And in the fall of 2017, OCP celebrated the 40th anniversary of their classic Christmas album, Gentle Night, with a beautifully remixed and remastered commemorative edition.
His classic songs for worship appear in major Catholic and Protestant hymnals internationally, in every modern language. He is also the editor of The Heart of Our Music, a three-volume series of books with essays on liturgy and ministry (Liturgical Press), and his articles have appeared widely.
Father Foley lectures across the country on liturgical music and the spirituality of liturgy. He also founded the Center for Liturgy at Saint Louis University, a national think tank for studying and teaching the liturgy. He was Director of the Center from 1993–2011. He now is the Editor in Chief of the Saint Louis University Sunday Web Site, a very popular weekly review of Sunday’s liturgical readings from several dozen different perspectives (liturgy.slu.edu).
Coming Home collection
After the final on-stage reunion with his fellow St. Louis Jesuits, Fr. Foley and the group offer a collection of their most influential and beloved songs — available in physical and digital formats!